mardi 15 novembre 2016

From Catalepsy to Psychical Research: The Itinerary of Timothée Puel (1812–1890)

Publication in History of Psychology, from the chapter 3 of my book

Evrard, Renaud; Pratte, Erika Annabelle
History of Psychology, Oct 31, 2016, 

The physician and botanist Timothée Puel (1812–1890) lived through a pivotal period of psychology (1848–1878), between the academic prohibition of the study of animal magnetism to its disjointed recovery in hypnotism and psychical research. One of his cases of “catalepsy complicated with somnambulism” triggered a lively debate on “extraordinary neuroses” within the young Société médico-psychologique [Medico-psychological Society]. In 1874, Puel founded the Revue de Psychologie Expérimental [Journal of Experimental Psychology], the first of its kind in French, which he intended as the vehicle of international interest in psychical research, the scholarly and institutionalized study of “psychism” that prepared the way for the recognition of academic psychology. Puel circulated between these different currents by taking advantage of the polysemy of concepts like “sleep,” “experimental psychology,” and “psychism.” This article discusses his role in the context of emerging French psychology in the mid- to late 19th century.


Le médecin et botaniste Timothée Puel (1812-1890) a vécu une période charnière de la psychologie (1848-1878) durant laquelle l'interdiction académique de l'étude du magnétisme animal a précédé sa reprise dans l'hypnose et la recherche psychique. L'un de ses cas de "catalepsie compliquée de somnambulisme" a déclenché un vif débat sur les "névroses extraordinaires" au sein de la jeune Société médico-psychologique. En 1874, Puel fonda la Revue de psychologie expérimentale, première de ce genre en français, dont il souhaitait faire le support d'un intérêt international pour la recherche psychique, l'étude académique et institutionnalisée du "psychisme" qui prépara la voie à la reconnaissance de la psychologie académique. Puel a circulé entre ces différents courants en tirant avantage de la polysémie de concepts tels que "sommeil", "psychologie expérimentale" et "psychisme". Cet article discute son rôle dans le contexte de la psychologie française émergente du milieu à la fin du XIXe siècle.

samedi 5 novembre 2016

Planétarium : un film qui croise l'histoire de la parapsychologie

Le film "Planétarium", avec notamment Nathalie Portman, sort le 16 novembre 2016 dans les salles. Il raconte l'histoire de deux médiums américaines qui participent à des spectacles et des expérimentations scientifiques à Paris, dans les années 1930.

J'ai pu rencontré et conseillé la réalisatrice Rebecca Zlotowski à partir de mes travaux sur "les Années folles" de la métapsychique (chapitre 7 et 8 de mon livre, La légende de l'esprit : enquête sur 150 ans de parapsychologie). J'ai hâte de voir quels éléments historiques sont conservés dans ce film, qui reste une oeuvre de fiction. Mais je sais déjà que l'Institut métapsychique international et ses figures de proue figurent dans le film... Rien que pour ça, ça vaut le coup d'oeil.

vendredi 4 novembre 2016

Parapsychology Foundation Book Expo November 2016

Je participe le 12 novembre à une présentation en ligne, et en anglais, de mon livre "La légende de l'esprit". Cet événement est organisé par la Parapsychology Foundation. Inscrivez-vous pour échanger avec les autres auteurs et moi !
(Lien vers inscription gratuite)

The Parapsychology Foundation Book Expo series is the only place on the internet where you can get a “meet the author” experience for recommended academic and popular books on the topics of scientific parapsychology. So if you’re a student hoping to do research, a new researcher with an interest in the theory and the problems in persuading your colleagues, a field investigator interested in the phenomena of mediumship, death-bed experiences or after death communications, then the PF Book Expo 2016 is for you.
Each individual will have a PowerPoint that will be uploaded as a tutorial in WizIQ. Each live lecture will also be recorded and besides being available on WizIQ, will be edited and uploaded to the PF’s YouTube Channel.
By attending you will meet the authors of books we think are among the best published in recent years on their topics.
While the course doesn’t prepare registrants for any certification or exams, if you’re seriously interested in these topics, the PF Book Expo 2016 will point you towards some really good books that can help you in your quest to learn more!
And the PF?
The Parapsychology Foundation, located in New York City, is a not for profit organization that is celebrating its 65th year in operation this year, 2016. For the last 65 years the PF has provided a worldwide forum supporting the scientific exploration of psychic phenomena. The PF also maintains the Eileen J. Garrett Research Library in Greenport on Long Island. The PF’s online events on WizIQ, which include conferences like this one and the PF Forum: Advances in UK Parapsychology which was offered last May, are designed to further the education of individuals who are working in or interested in learning more about the scientific side of the field.
Lisette Coly, who will guide the proceedings on April 23rd and 24th, is the President of the Parapsychology Foundation, daughter of the previous President, Mrs. Eileen Coly, and granddaughter of PF Founder Irish American intellectual, entrepeneur, author and medium, Eileen J. Garrett. Dr. Carlos S. Alvarado and Dr. Nancy L. Zingrone, who will co-moderate the day’s events, are not only Research Fellows of the Parapsychology Foundation, but both two-time past Presidents of the Parapsychological Association, the international society for scientists and scholars who investigate what seem to be psychic phenomena from a variety of disciplinary perspectives.
To register (free):