mardi 21 novembre 2017

From heterodox to orthodox psychology: The case of Pierre Janet

Among the founders of French psychology, Pierre Janet is recognized for both his scientific and institutional role. But the psychology that will be born at the turn of the twentieth century had to do battle with the "psychical marvelous," and Janet was no exception. Better, he was greatly involved in the division between psychology and parapsychology (or "metapsychics"), built at that time, playing several successive roles: the pioneer, the repentant, and the border guard. At first, he was involved in so-called "experimental parapsychology" but quickly left it and refused to practice it anymore. Janet's attitude is, as such, indicative of the attitude of all the nascent psychology in France. Yet, this aspect of his work is rarely commented on by his continuators. Therefore this paper tries to restore the highlights of his epistemological journey.

Evrard, R., Pratte, E.A. (2017). From heterodox to orthodox psychology: The case of Pierre Janet. In : U. Wolfradt, E. Bauer, G. Heim (dir.), Schlüsselthemen der Psychotherapie. Pierre Janets Beiträge zur modernen Psychiatrie und Psychologie, Band 4 (pp. 99-119). Lengerich : Pabst Science Publishers.

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