The Psychic Sciences in France: Historical Notes on the Annales des Sciences Psychiques
Cet article propose une vue d'ensemble sur la revue française Annales des sciences psychiques (ASP, 1891-1919). Les ASP ont été fondées par Charles Richet et Xavier Dariex. Le développement du journal fut permis grâce au prestige et à l'influence de Richet en tant que scientifique et de Félix Alcan en tant qu'éditeur. La revue mettait l'accent sur des cas et des expérimentations plutôt que sur des théories, du moins durant le dix-neuvième siècle. On y trouve également beaucoup de discussions sur la télépathie spontanée et la médiumnité physique. Certains des auteurs qui ont contribué aux ASP ont pour noms Emile Boirac, Ernesto Bozzano, Albert de Rochas, GIovanni Battista Ermacora, Paul Joire et Julian Ochorowicz. La revue proposait un forum en France pour discuter des méthodologies de la recherche psychique, pour débattre de certaines controverses et pour informer sur les recherches conduites à l'étranger. Cela impliquait la traduction de travaux de membres de la Société de Recherche Psychique, tels que ceux de Frederic W.H. Myers. En 1908, les ASP furent affiliées à la Société Universelle d'Etudes Psychiques, devenant son organe officiel de publication. Les ASP furent importants dans l'établissement de normes méthodologiques et dans la mise en place d'un espace de discussion pour la recherche psychique en France.
This paper is an overview of aspects of the French journal Annales des Sciences Psychiques (ASP, 1891–1919). The ASP was founded by Charles Richet and Xavier Dariex. The development of the journal was assisted both by the prestige
and influence of Richet as a scientist and of Félix Alcan as a publisher. For the nineteenth-century period the journal emphasized cases and experiments over theories. Much of this was about spontaneous telepathy and physical mediumship. Some of the authors included in the pages of the ASP were Émile Boirac, Ernesto Bozzano, Albert de Rochas, Giovanni Battista Ermacora, Paul Joire, and Julian Ochorowicz. The journal provided a forum in France to argue about standards in psychical research, discuss controversies, and to bring in information on the topic from foreign countries. This included translations of the work of members of the Society for Psychical Research, such as Frederic W. H. Myers. In 1908 the ASP was affiliated with the Société Universelle d’Études Psychiques, becoming its official publication. The ASP was important in establishing standards and in providing a forum for the development of psychical research in France.
Keywords: Annales des Sciences Psychiques—French psychical research—history of psychical research—mediumship—Charles Richet
and influence of Richet as a scientist and of Félix Alcan as a publisher. For the nineteenth-century period the journal emphasized cases and experiments over theories. Much of this was about spontaneous telepathy and physical mediumship. Some of the authors included in the pages of the ASP were Émile Boirac, Ernesto Bozzano, Albert de Rochas, Giovanni Battista Ermacora, Paul Joire, and Julian Ochorowicz. The journal provided a forum in France to argue about standards in psychical research, discuss controversies, and to bring in information on the topic from foreign countries. This included translations of the work of members of the Society for Psychical Research, such as Frederic W. H. Myers. In 1908 the ASP was affiliated with the Société Universelle d’Études Psychiques, becoming its official publication. The ASP was important in establishing standards and in providing a forum for the development of psychical research in France.
Keywords: Annales des Sciences Psychiques—French psychical research—history of psychical research—mediumship—Charles Richet
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